EnerCOOL Heat Exchangers
At SUBCOE we manufacture heat exchanger for our own enclosure systems and when

HXD-2600-SS-220 Heat Exchanger
requested we offer them to third parties looking for a cost effective means of passively reducing enclosure temperatures. Our EnerCOOL heat exchangers efficiently transfer internal enclosure heat to the cooler outside air. The external dissipation of heat generated by the electronics allows them to operate at a lower, more controlled temperature which extends their effective lifespan and their reliability.
Not satisfied with the limited systems available we designed a range of in-house SUBCOE Air-to-Air enclosure heat exchangers to meet the severe service needs of our oil field equipment. Our underlying design goal was to produce a system that would be rugged and reliable with minimal maintenance requirements.
Now on our fourth generation systems, with five enclosure sizes and with thermal ratings ranging from 1300 to 3500 Watts of heat dissipation we are able to meet the needs of most real world applications. SUBCOE has in excess of 1000 heat exchangers reliably operating in our drive systems world wide with the vast majority functioning in 50-55°C peak ambient temperatures.
Our passive cooling system use no refrigerant or cooling media to achieve the quoted heat dissipation. Our complex plate core and two custom manufactured, high efficiency, high reliability, centrifugal impellers consistently achieve these goals.
Dependent upon the specific corrosiveness of the environment an optimum enclosure will be supplied. We offer powder coated steel, satin galvanized steel, stainless steel or aluminum bodies. Our high efficiency heat exchangers are available in a range of shapes and sizes and are selected based on the cooling needs and the dimensional constraints of the enclosure.
Custom heat exchanger sizes are available and will be designed, prototyped, tested and manufactured to suit any system.